Shoretec® offers the most durable, effective and environmentally-friendly erosion control revetment methods for fighting severe erosion problems. Whether you are an engineer, architect, designer or contractor, there are projects which require hard-armor revetment systems to prevent erosion of soils and subgrades. Shoretec is a leader in the design and manufacturing of these systems. Our articulated concrete block (ACB) system is durable, aesthetic and an environmentally compatible solution at a cost savings of up to 50% when compared to traditional hard armor methods. On sites where access is difficult or where the installation is an irregular shape, Shoretec offers an attractive and economical solution.

Shoreblock BD
Shoreblock BD is the ultimate erosion control revetment method for fighting severe erosion problems in any effected environment. It comprised of a flexible matrix of interlocking blocks connected by series of cables in both directions, polyester, or steel, providing a 5 to 1 cable strength to mat weight ratio. Mattresses are pre-assembled to the size specified for the project. Standard mats are available in eight-foot widths and in lengths up to 40 feet. Mats can be joined to achieve greater lengths. Shoreblock BD come in block thickness from 4” to 9”, in a closed cell, open cell, flat top, dome top and/or tapered version as per the required engineered project design.
Successfully tested by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and U.S. Federal Highway Administration. The Corps of Engineers has used ACBs on numerous designs for both channel and shoreline stability.
Shoreblock SD
Shoreblock SD is the most durable, effective, and environmentally friendly erosion control revetment method of fighting severe erosion problems. Shoreblock SD is a flexible matrix of interlocking blocks connected by series of cable which pass longitudinally through preformed ducts in each block. It combines the favorable aspects of lightweight blankets and meshes, such as porosity, flexibility, vegetation encouragement and habitat enhancement with non-erodible, self-weight and high tractive force resistance of a rigid lining. In most markets, Articulated Concrete Blocks (ACBs) are competitive in cost to 12” diameter (or greater) rock/riprap placed in 18” or greater blanket thickness and are typically more economical than poured in place concrete. Mattresses are pre-assembled to the size specified for the project. Standard mats are available in eight-foot widths and in lengths up to 40 feet. Mats can be joined to achieve greater lengths.
Shoreblock SD come in block thickness from 4” to 9”, in a closed cell, open cell, flat top, dome top and/or tapered version as per the required engineered project design.
Successfully tested by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and U.S. Federal Highway Administration. The Corps of Engineers has used ACBs on numerous designs for both channel and shoreline stability.

Shoreblock HP
For small or hard to reach areas where cabled mattresses are not feasible, the Shoreloc HP (Hand-Placed) System is available to meet the most in accessible and challenging erosion control needs.
Shoreloc is used to provide protection for underlying soil materials. The individual blocks of our system conform to changes in grade while remaining interlocked by virtue of the geometric shape of each block. The interlocking property provided by the special shapes of Shoreloc also allow for expansion and contraction. Shoreloc® is hand-placed on top of a site-selected geotextile to form a soil revetment system.